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Bridge Command General Support / Re: Add/Modify sounds like the engine
« Last post by jhnyx on October 22, 2024, 12:13:05 PM »
Thank you for the detailed reply.
Bridge Command General Support / Re: Add/Modify sounds like the engine
« Last post by forum_admin on October 21, 2024, 01:02:19 PM »
Hello, for an existing ship, you can change or add the files BWave.wav for the wave sound, Horn.wav, Alarm.wav and Engine.wav within the own ship's folder (e.g. Models\Ownship\Protis\Engine.wav). If any of these are not present, Bridge Command will use the files in the Sounds folder in the installation directory.

If you want to change for an existing ship, you can either change the existing files, or copy the whole ship model into the local user directory (on windows this is "%appdata%\Bridge Command\5.9\Models\Ownship"), and change the files there.

Bridge Command uses Libsndfile to read the sound files, so most formats should be supported, please see

However, note that all of the sound files must have the same number of channels (stereo or mono), and the same sample rate. We currently assume that the files have a .wav extension. If this is a problem, it's probably quite easy to recognise other extensions.
Bridge Command General Support / Add/Modify sounds like the engine
« Last post by jhnyx on October 20, 2024, 06:01:25 PM »
Hello, how do I replace the sounds used like the engine of existing default ship or add a custom ship with its own engine sound? What sound formats are compatible? Is it possible also to replace other sounds like wave, horn and alarms?
Development / Re: Creating a controller program
« Last post by hadi23 on August 01, 2024, 11:06:20 AM »
Hello evryone,

can someone provide me the source code for BC 4.7 version please?

i have problems with MC messages data encoding

Thank you
Development / Re: Creating a controller program
« Last post by hadi23 on July 25, 2024, 09:26:26 AM »
I tried to send Bc messages to 3d "secondary display " the other one was in networked main but thers is overloop (the main one is sending BC messages and i also send BC messages from my script).

but i tried to only send BC and SC messages to Secondry display (without starting bridgecommand in networked main) but the secondary display does not launch when i send the messages.

or the secondary display launches if and only if Bridgecommand is started on networked main ?
Development / Re: Creating a controller program
« Last post by forum_admin on July 18, 2024, 10:09:06 PM »
Hi, I don't have a copy of huckleberry's code, it might be best if you try sending a PM? If this doesn't work, let me know, but it is quite a while since I have worked on version 4.7!
Development / Re: 5.9.7 and 5.8.9 are missing from releases
« Last post by forum_admin on July 18, 2024, 10:05:37 PM »
Thanks, I've just added them.
Development / 5.9.7 and 5.8.9 are missing from releases
« Last post by Johan on July 17, 2024, 11:41:51 PM »
5.9.7 and 5.8.9 (Source code) are missing from releases
Environment models / Re: Snapshot of something I'm working on
« Last post by Perry on July 17, 2024, 03:31:35 PM »
This looks very impressive from the screenshots.  I'm just starting to use Bridge Command but I would love to be able to create something like this eventually.
Development / Re: Creating a controller program
« Last post by hadi23 on June 29, 2024, 02:51:50 PM »
thank you for your response.

yes, i am using the 4.7 version. when i send the BC messages or even the MC messages i have memory access violation and i have not find the issue.(i am using a simulator that delivers all the information (speed, position, etc ...)

can you help me please?

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