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Author Topic: Question about updates of BC5?  (Read 16503 times)

May 01, 2015, 06:46:46 PM
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Hello such 'm a fan of your program, wanted to know if the project continues and if you go to publish new updates, the idea seems very good . I know you're rewriting the content in c ++. If you can tell us if there avences from December 15 would appreciate . On the other hand it would be nice to be able to collaborate , maybe can make a list of things you need . Thank you and congratulations .

May 03, 2015, 08:04:35 PM
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Thanks for the interest. I will post an update, apologies for the gap!

Recently, the main work has been setting up GPS emulation (NMEA over serial), and working on the networking, including quite a bit of progress in implementing the 'Controller' program, to show a map of the current simulation state, and allowing the simulation to be controlled by an instructor.

The plan is to merge the functionality of 'other' and 'controlled' ships, so the ship legs can be pre-programmed, but can also be modified or added in real time from the controller.

If you're interested in following progress, the code is now available on github (

In terms of contributions, the most useful would be a thorough look through the code by someone experienced with C++ and/or Irrlicht. In the near future, testing and feedback will be very useful, and the development of ship models, scenarios and world models is always very useful.

May 05, 2015, 03:21:39 PM
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Thank you very much for the reply, I am not an expert programmer in those languages, just some basic knowledge. I have experience in the development of scenarios, I have been working on scenarios for the vehicle simulator software. Today I have developed three scenarios and their members 1 Ria Bahia Blanca Argentina, 2 Tierra del Fuego Argentina Beagle Channel and 3 a scenario of river (Rio Paraguay) Paraguay. I have also worked with IALA buoys and light features. If you have an editor for scenarios it might work in them.

The project is excellent. I mainly like to be able to communicate with an electronic chart and radar to wean. I think they could improve the graphics interface, I have experience in developing graphical interfaces could provide some examples.

I am a naval officer and navigation teacher , might help in testing.

A last question, wich c compiler you use


June 02, 2015, 08:29:14 PM
Reply #3
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Hi, I've just released the Alpha 3 version, you may want to test this out. It includes GPS emulation (you will need to set the serial port to use in the bc5.ini file).

Any feedback on the GUI is very welcome, especially as this is one of the areas currently under development. This version includes a language.txt file, which allows for translation of all parts of the GUI.

I'm using the Code::Blocks IDE, with GCC 4.7.1. The program is currently compiled for Windows, but all libraries used are cross platform, so the intention is to have versions running on Windows, Mac and Linux, with the future possiblity of running on Androd/iOS.