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Messages - elir71

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
Scenarios / Re: share world models and scenarios
« on: May 06, 2023, 08:31:59 AM »
I'm wondering if some sort of distributed reposotories could be implemented so that there's a directory in the user folder that describes the locations of various repositories and that models can be downloaded on demand into the user directory ?  Perhaps some simple sort of xml format could be implemented both in the user's folder and in each repository to indicate its content and version of each model.  This would mean that as models are refined then they can be updated on user's systems.

Potentially this could be integrated into a multiplayer hub.  Perhaps other ships (of the sort that are other users own ships) could indicate much of their data as AIS NMAE strings too

Environment models / Snapshot of something I'm working on
« on: January 04, 2023, 06:05:34 PM »
working on a world model of menai straits

Feature requests & suggestions / Re: Suggestion - File Library
« on: December 27, 2022, 10:23:20 AM »
I'll probably post up on github a rudimentary menai straits (north part of) model in the near future

Feature requests & suggestions / Re: make it vr
« on: December 27, 2022, 10:21:41 AM »
does it work by sending a 360 degree image to the headset ? (or two, one for each eye for perspective)
If it does work as 360 degree image, then could it be achieved by making a view angle of 360 degrees ?

Models / Re: Azimuth drives - own ship
« on: November 16, 2022, 06:32:48 PM »
I'm thinking of defining a new
controlMode == MODE_AZIPOD
as it may be cleaner than a series of if azipod on many of the lines

Scenarios / Re: Docking Scenarios?
« on: November 16, 2022, 06:22:48 PM »
Ive been working on a menai straits world model have one berth in there so far .. St Georges Pier

Im having issues with getting some of the graphics right, but have a little time over the next few weeks

If I can get azipods working fine then I'll model Shetland Trader, which is propelled by azipods and will try to model Kirkcaldy harbour which is probably one of the more challenging bits of manoeuvering on her regular runs.

Models / Re: Azimuth drives - own ship
« on: November 16, 2022, 06:17:30 PM »
What's an azipod ? a propellor that can be rotated through 360 degrees (sometimes only 180) which gives steering and thrust function without a rudder.  They are common on tugs and other very maneouverable vessels.

As Ive been a bit busy havent made any contributions lately  I have a bit of time now, so I'm going to have a go at modelling azipods

Effectively the "rudder" will go through the full 360

Props only turn in one direction, so reverse is done by setting the azipod at an azimuth of 180 degrees

with respect to modelling azipods I've been looking at
OwnShip.cpp  update
modelling two azipods
Tp, Ts Thrust port and starboard respectively
Tsa = Ts cos (Aza) // Thrust Starboard pod axial = Thrust starboard * cos (Azimuth starboard)
Tst = Ts sin (Aza) // Thrust Starboard pod athwartships
smilarly port pod
Prop walk could be modelled as a force in the plane of each propellor but resolved according to the Azimuth of the pod

Some sort of "efficiency" could be modelled to simulate the reduction of effectiveness due to prop wash interacting with the hull and other pod

I think some sort of estimate of position of the pivot point would be necessary too based on a function of speed through the water, this would also aid the modelling of the response of bowthrusters.

any comments suggestions welcome

Models / Re: Under Bridge
« on: August 23, 2022, 10:37:40 AM »
ah ok I will give that a try

ive sent you the original in a pm by the way

Models / Under Bridge
« on: August 18, 2022, 07:40:20 AM »
When my own ship tries to pass under a (my own) bridge, it bounces off it instead of passing under it

It is almost certainly a modelling problem

Has anyone any pointers on how to remediate this ?

Yes that works on my connected opencpn, however arpa must be enabled and near stationary targets not picked up by this arpa do not show as AIS targets.  If we used the sentence above, only need to transmit once every 2 sec or so , then I think it would have some benefits as in the future we could introduce some gyro error into the simulation and virtual ais aids to navigaiton, i.e. an ais  target for something that isnt physically there

I have put in MMSI numbers in each of the 22 ships in my own scenario
however what port should I be listening on with  my chart plotter to receive this information ?

Im receiving my own ships AIS NMEA strings but not other ships

Looking at the source code NMEA.cpp line 234
the code pertaining to another ships report that you would expect to receive from other ships is commented out

Scenarios / Scenarios wrapping everything up
« on: August 12, 2022, 04:48:12 PM »
Is it possible to add as subfolders, models and worlds which are particular to a scenario, and if so what is the directory structure ?

My new scenario
 --- World --------+----- Humber Estuary
 |                        |
 |                        |
 |                       + ------ Dover Straits
 | ---- Models ---+ ----- Buoy
                         + ----- LandObject
                         + ----- Othership
                         + ----- Ownship

Models / Re: models file formats for irrlicht
« on: July 29, 2022, 02:18:59 PM »
I had no success in exporting to .3ds

however, I did have success in exporting .obj Wavefront format with its accompanying .mtl file

Environment models / Re: World Model Creation
« on: July 18, 2022, 02:05:18 PM »
So using Octave I extracted a 2049 x 2049 element matrix from the .asc file

# big.asc is an asc file with the headers stripped
>> load big.asc; # which puts into an array big
>> smaller = big(1820:3868,1:2049);
>> save smaller.asc smaller;

# as a check

>> rows(smaller)
>> columns(smaller)

# both of which returned 2049 which is correct

>> flipped=flupud(smaller);
>> flipped(flipped<=0)=-10;
>> fileID-=open('smaller2049.f32','w');
>> fwrite(fileID, flipped, 'single');
>> fclose(fileID);

It seemed to get rid of the mountains on the beach problem, although are the elevations shown in feet and not metres, they seem quite a bit bigger from real life ?

Environment models / Re: World Model Creation
« on: July 18, 2022, 11:57:58 AM »
hmm asks for some .dlls when running through wine, which I dont have

My problem is that I am getting high spikes near the "beach"

so either the .asc data has this (which I discount as improbable) or
the conversion from asc to .f32 is introducing the problem or
the internal conversion from .f32 to a 1+2^n square matric is introducing the problem

What I am in the process of doing is taking a 2049 square directly out of the asc data using GNU Octave which should give me a clean smaller set of data of the same size as irrlicht uses

and converting that to a 2049 square f32 again using octave as you have posted earlier.

If I can picture that .f32 as an image (without the irrlicht interpretation) then I can rule out the process of asc>.f32 creating the spikes,

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