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Messages - forum_admin

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
Bridge Command General Support / Re: Add/Modify sounds like the engine
« on: October 21, 2024, 01:02:19 PM »
Hello, for an existing ship, you can change or add the files BWave.wav for the wave sound, Horn.wav, Alarm.wav and Engine.wav within the own ship's folder (e.g. Models\Ownship\Protis\Engine.wav). If any of these are not present, Bridge Command will use the files in the Sounds folder in the installation directory.

If you want to change for an existing ship, you can either change the existing files, or copy the whole ship model into the local user directory (on windows this is "%appdata%\Bridge Command\5.9\Models\Ownship"), and change the files there.

Bridge Command uses Libsndfile to read the sound files, so most formats should be supported, please see

However, note that all of the sound files must have the same number of channels (stereo or mono), and the same sample rate. We currently assume that the files have a .wav extension. If this is a problem, it's probably quite easy to recognise other extensions.

Development / Re: Creating a controller program
« on: July 18, 2024, 10:09:06 PM »
Hi, I don't have a copy of huckleberry's code, it might be best if you try sending a PM? If this doesn't work, let me know, but it is quite a while since I have worked on version 4.7!

Development / Re: 5.9.7 and 5.8.9 are missing from releases
« on: July 18, 2024, 10:05:37 PM »
Thanks, I've just added them.

Development / Re: Creating a controller program
« on: June 28, 2024, 11:21:53 PM »
Hi, the discussion above was related to an earlier version of Bridge Command that used UDP networking directly. The current version still uses UDP, but via the enet networking library, so you will need a python wrapper to this. I think pyenet may be what you need.

Depending on what you want to do, you can see the networking parts of Bridge Command in, and for the map controller in

Alternatively, it might be easier to modify OwnShip.cpp, either to do what you want directly, or to add an interface to your code.

Bug reports / Re: Bug reports
« on: June 10, 2024, 10:23:30 PM »
Hi, if you are able to test the build from that would be great (you will need a GitHub login to download the 'Artifact'. This is an automated build, and won't be code signed, but should otherwise be identical to the normal installer.

This build has some updated settings for the enet networking, which I hope will significantly help.

If this helps, I'll include this in an 'official' release shortly.

Bug reports / Re: Bug reports
« on: May 28, 2024, 09:14:40 AM »
Thanks, I’ll have a look, probably next week will be the earliest I can start. Does it work ok initially?

General Discussion / Re: Joystick /Controller
« on: May 28, 2024, 09:12:14 AM »
Hi, the only one I’m aware of being commercially available is from VRInsight, but is quite expensive. If you are interested in making one, any microcontroller with analog inputs and then can run CircuitPython (like the raspberry pi pico) can be used as an interface, as it supports the usb hid joystick interface.

Models / Re: Outboard Motors
« on: May 16, 2024, 10:35:38 PM »
Hello, I've added a new parameter that simply allows 'azimuth drives' to be engaged astern. This is the parameter 'AzimuthDriveAstern' in the own ship boat.ini file, and should be set as AzimuthDriveAstern=1 for your case. The change doesn't limit the range of allowed angles, but particularly if you are using a joystick input, this could easily be mapped to give you the angle range that you want.

This change isn't yet in a formal release on the website, as I'm trying to finish a few more things related to the VR implementation, but if you have a GitHub account, you should be able to download the automatically built installer (assuming you are on Windows) from (look for the 'BC_windows' artefact. (Note that the automatic builds are not code signed, so you may need to click through various Windows warnings to install).

This also includes some improvements to the scenario editor for the initial course and speed of own ships.

Bug reports / Re: New Scenario and Own Ship
« on: April 29, 2024, 10:21:47 PM »
Thanks. At the moment, to update the scenario with course or speed changes, you need to use the 'Change Leg' button for the 'Own Ship' settings, and either 'Change Leg' or 'Add Leg' button for other ships. In I have changed this so for the 'Own Ship', the changes will take effect immediately. I have left it unchanged for 'Other Ships', because you may want to be adding a series of 'legs', and type in the values for the next leg.

I think the uninitialised value would depend on many things, as it depends on what happened to be in that memory location before. I have fixed this in

I'm currently aiming to add a few updates to the VR interface, and will then put out an updated release.

Bug reports / Re: New Scenario and Own Ship
« on: April 26, 2024, 10:06:13 PM »
Hi, thanks for pointing this out. I think that some of the data in the scenario editor may be uninitialised, which should be simple to fix.

If starting a new scenario, if you set the own ship speed and heading, then click 'Change leg', and save, does it work for you?

Bridge Command General Support / Re: TerrainHeightMapSize
« on: April 23, 2024, 08:57:58 AM »
Hi, with a normal greyscale image, 0 represents -1*SeaMaxDepth, and 255 represents TerrainMaxHeight, with linear interpolation in between. This actually means that the 'half way' between max height and max depth is between 127 and 128 greyscale values.

I made a simple calculator at which might be useful.

The relatively small number of steps available in a greyscale image is why there is also the 'RGB' encoding (height in metres is set by (red * 256 + green + blue / 256) - 32768), or raw 32 bit floating point format available, which both allow a much finer elevation step.

Models / Re: Outboard Motors
« on: April 22, 2024, 10:25:17 PM »
Thanks for asking. I'll have a look into this, I think it would be relatively simple to change the way the azimuth drive is modelled to allow reverse propulsion direction as an option.

I think you could get the right turning effect from tuning the rudder parameters, but I'm not sure the lateral motion would be realistic.

Bridge Command General Support / Re: TerrainHeightMapSize
« on: April 22, 2024, 10:22:28 PM »
Hi, TerrainHeightMapSize is no longer required, so will now be ignored.

In earlier versions, it was previously required to specify the size of a square image defining the heightmap, but because this can be found directly from the image dimensions, it is not required any more.

If you are using a binary heightmap (a list of 32 bit floating point values), TerrainHeightMapRows and TerrainHeightMapColumns are now used instead, as non-square heightmaps are allowed.

Scenarios / Re: Buoys
« on: December 31, 2023, 02:44:42 PM »
Hello, can you check if the buoys load properly if you replace the ‘,’ as a decimal point with ‘.’
For example, replace Long(1)=-2,37586666666667 with Long(1)=-2.37586666666667

I will check how Bridge Command handles different local number formats, it may be defaulting to the UK format (‘.’ as decimal separator)

Bug reports / Re: Various missing files
« on: December 29, 2023, 08:02:12 AM »
Hi, apologies for the long delay, I missed this initially.

Yes, a PR along these lines would be useful. Bridge Command intentionally falls back to default settings if these ini files aren’t present, but adding them with default values would clean up the log a lot.

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