Bridge Command Multiplayer Documentation


Bridge Command can be used in a multiplayer mode, where multiple users can control vessels in the same scenario, and interact. This mode is intended for users on a single network (wired or wireless), but could be used over the internet.

This feature is currently experimental. Please provide feedback and suggestions for developments.

Starting a multiplayer session

You will need to run one 'Multiplayer hub' for each session. This can run on a dedicated computer, or on the same computer as one of the Bridge Command sessions.

To start a multiplayer session, find out the hostname or IP addresses of all your users' computers, and ask them to start Bridge Command. Instead of selecting a scenario, they should click the multiplayer option and click 'OK'.

When all users have done this, then you can start the mulitplayer hub, and select a multiplayer scenario. Type in the hostnames or IP addresses of the users' computers, separated by commas. The order you type these in will match the user to the ship in the scenario.

If you want to make a new multiplayer scenario, you can use the scenario editor to do this, selecting the 'Multiplayer' option and reading the instructions.

Technical information

Bridge Command and the multiplayer server use the UDP protocol, and by default uses ports and 18304. For more information on the networking protocol, see the networking protocol information.